Rabu, 30 Juli 2008

LKMM Wilayah 2 ISMKI

LKMM keren buangettt!!!! Kemaren kan, Tanggal 23-27 Juli 2008 ISMKI (Ikatan Senat Mahasiswa Kedokteran Indonesia) Wilayah mengadakan Latihan Kepemimpinan dan Manajerial Mahasiswa (LKMM). Pesertanya tu fakultas kedokteran universitas-universitas yang ada di wilayah 2. Sebenernya sih ada 16 univ, tapi yang dateng kmrn Cuma 5 univ dengan 38 peserta (12 UI, 16 Unpad, 3 Unjani, 3 Atmajaya, dan 4 Yarsi). Acaranya diadain di Ciburial, Dago Atas, Bandung.

Pelatihannya sih Cuma 2 hari, tanggal 24-25, tapi itu cukup menambah ilmu tentang soft skill yang harus dimiliki mahasiswa kedokteran. Hari pertama kita dikasih pelatihan tentang team building, manajemen organisasi, manajemen opini, advokasi, negosiasi, perkenalan ISMKI, dan simulasi lapangan. Hari kedua kita belajar tentang RPO (rancangan pengembangan organisasi), perkenalan tentang pergerakan organisasi dan pembentukan Tim Pergerakan Mahasiswa, simulasi lapangan tentang advokasi, negosiasi, dan manajemen opini. Seneng buangett!! Ngena bangett smua yang udah diajarin! Ga sia-sia dah pengorbanan pulang ke rumah telat 5hari! Mungkin karena pesertanya Cuma sedikit juga makanya materi-materi yang disampein bener-bener masuk ke dalam otak n hati. Pengen cepet-cepet nerapin ke dalam organisasi yang aku pimpin ntar. Whaha, organisasi apakah yang akan aku pegang ntar??? Yah, ga jadi pemimpin juga ga apa-apa, jadi anggota juga bisa asal aku bisa nerapin ilmu-ilmu yang aku dapet ajah. Soalnya kan sia-sia kalo ilmu ini Cuma aku aja yang punya. Yaa, bagi-bagi lah!!

Oia, disini aku juga nemu temen-temen baru yang keren-keren banget! Ada Bila, Fafa, Nuril, Titi, Adi, Fahri, Cepi, Yoko, Ihza, Juno, Fauzi, dari FKUI, Sona, Ira, Tika, dari FKUnjani, Eliya, Metul, Sigit, Rion, dari Yarsi, dan Rina, Tere, Eka, dari Atma. Mereka bener-bener temen-temen calon pemimpin bangsa di masa depan. Meskipun masih mahasiswa, namun pemikiran dan kegiatan mereka bener-bener berkualitas dan ga kalah saing sama temen-temen non-FK. Bener-bener orang-orang high quality dalam hal apapun. Hwaah, keren dah! Banyak dapat pelajaran dari mereka. Thanks all!

Selasa, 22 Juli 2008

I miss my IYF!!

(actually i made it on july 1st, 2008. but i've just been able to publish it today, almost 1month after that,, busy days! hahahh.)

A few days ago, from 23rd-30th June 2008, I joined International Youth Forum 2008. That was an international event that held by Initiative of Change (IofC) and Pusat Studi Agama dan Budaya. That was my first wonderful event and just for my first experience for me.

I love whole occasion, especially entertainment. On 1st-3rd night we had international cultural performance. We enjoyed those performances, coz they’re very creative! IYF makes us know about other countries’ cultures. Dance from Azerbaijan, east Tim0r, Brunai, (Haa, I Wanna see u all dancin’ like crazy men again!) Srilanka, a song from Kenya (jamboo, jamboo Rwanda!! Heheee)Fiji, Australia, and other performances.

# 1st day, we did opening ceremony, that was attended by vice of West Java government and deputy of ministry of youth and sport. And then, we had a tour to Asia Africa building. All Indonesians only taking pictures there, because we (especially participants from Bandung) had had been to Asia Africa building before. After that, we had free time. We did shopping to Pasar Baru. Penn Ei, Tsun Mao, That Mon, Rashida, and Laura bought so many things, that’s all because pasar Baru’s so cheap for them! I and Fajar did as guide for them, as translators and bargainers. At night, we had cultural performance. It was from Bilal (Pakistan) and Zen, dkk (Vietnamese). Bilal sang Pakistan’s song and the Vietnamese danced.

# 2nd day, we have 3 topics of plenary session in Gedung Merdeka. Before sessions, we had a quite time for refreshing our mind and releasing all our thoughts. After sessions we had a family group discussion. I was in the same family with Burdian (Cambodia), Damo (UK), Fajri (Indonesia), Adam and Linda (Australia), the guys from East Timor and Suriname. After that the plenary session held. The speakers of plenary session talked about overview of our topics that would be discussed on the next days. It’s about peace movement and millennium development goals.

#3rd-4th day we had group discussion. We talked about 10 topics provided by the committee. I chose topic HIV Aids, gender equality, youth in action, and education for all. There, we heard many fantastic ideas from all of u. I thought that u all are like freakin’ guys in discussing about those hot topics. Whheew, nice job bro and sis!

5th day, a day at saung udjo.. Whha, I saw u all were crazy about angklung and wayang performance! (really?? I suggested u guys love the beautiful host there, not only the angklung.. Ahakss!!) That was time for shopping! And then we had a bus-trip to Garut. That was time for taking all sleeping-beauties photos,, heheee.

6th-7th day was in Garut. A lotta love there! Loves from the villagers to us and reverse. Heuu, actually I missed garut. Miss the togetherness, miss my home-stay family, miss all activities there, dancing saman, 15 minutes-music pub and crazy dance, planting trees, and hospitality there,, hhohoo. Verrryyy Nice!

Hah, I forget to mention about swimming time at Cipanas Hot spring –Garut. Actually I didn’t do swim, I only took photos of u all my friends while u’re swimming. Singing like children in swimming pool, making me and other not swimming people wet, and fulfill the pool with IYF-ers, and making a big noise with Jamboo and other song! (I think we disturbed other visitors. Ahahaa) lol!

I miss my IYF friends!!

I miss all my friends!!

1. Silvi, My homestay-mate! I miss you! I am happy you’ve done your internship! We have to share again! 2 days home-stay in Garut was not enough time for us! Let’s hang out sometimes!

2. Shihab!! Ow, My Palestine!! Make me as your first wife, not the eighth! Hahaha.

3. Fajar and Bawi! Odd boys that haven’t graduate from their study. Haha, you all are so funny boy! Be rebel, go workshop (work and shop)! Hehe. Tell me when you want to join this kind of occasion again! Lolls!

4. Damo, you’re a shalihah girl. UK-girl that is tomboy, fast-speaking (sometimes I don’t understand what you say), and good lawyer. We’ve done the fastest-shop! Only 45 minutes for going to Cibadak and Pasar Baru. Come again to Indonesia and i’ll accompany you for shopping again!

5. Pann Ei (the shopaholic girl), Tsun Mao (the cute girl I’ve ever met), That Mon (my home-stay mate), you all are my closest Myanmar’s girls. Let you take me some traveling if I go to Myanmar. Traveling to Myanmar-Lao-Thailand (hohoo.. that’s my dream!)!

6. Rashida, Brunai’s girl, so cheerful, smoker, dancer, drinking (??), but so smart and active! I am happy u get that scholarship to UK. Haa, come to Damo!

7. TB, Fahmi, Izki, Alfa, Nawaf, Zulmi, Ka Yudha, Ka Assad, Afif, Wawan, Irwan, Tony. Haa, nice to see u all guys!!

8. Rachel, Laura, Sandra, Zen, Linda, AnnaLie, Cecill, Silla, Wuka. Hope to see u again!

9. Teh Raisha, Teh Satya, Mbak Aini, Teh Silvia, Bu Tuti, Zesta, mbak Sisca, calm down! I’ll go to Yogya and then Aceh! (but, when?? Don’t know exactly! Gyahahaa)

10. Chim, Otedo, and Rijeili! I want to visit you to Surabaya! Let’s hang out there!! I plan to go to Surabaya this end year.

11. Lutfi, I’ve just known you since we’re in the same bus to Bandung. Ow, I forget! I know you when we have same focus group discussion on “Gender Equality” in Wednesday! Haha. I remember you!

12. Maksud, Addie (don’t say “sappa” again! ^^), Shayne, Boyta (Thanks for digging me a hole for planting tree), Evan, Andrew, Rob, Jayson, Rene, Charlie (hey, DJ!).

13. Hanif! Hey my senior! Keep contact with me! If I go to Bali, I’ll tell you. Just taking me around Bali, but no for clubbing, okay!?

14. Stephanie and all Nigerians! Thanks for the sandal. Hehee. I’m sorry I didn’t accompany you for shopping. I think you can consider the price by yourself.

Tizar, additional participant, you’re my best friend! Hehee.. best friend for accompanying me to get ice cream on Mcdonald simpang! :D

And other people that i cant mention one by one,,

And thanks for the commetee for gathering us..

miss u all guys!